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  Learning Physics in a Virtual Environment: Is There Any?
Titel: Learning Physics in a Virtual Environment: Is There Any?
Auteur: Gerald W. Meisner
Harol Hoffman
Mike Turner
Verschenen in: Latin American journal of physics education
Paginering: Jaargang 2 (2008) nr. 2 pagina's 87-102
Jaar: 2008
Inhoud: With nearly one in five college students taking at least one course online, with nearly every major college anduniversity offering courses and/or programs online and with a growing number of citizens in the work place wantingand needing education in ways which fit their work and personal schedules, e-learning is becoming more importantand ubiquitous each year. The supply (courses) is there in many disciplines; the demand (students and non-students) isthere. The unanswered question is: How good is the product? Is learning taking place? How do we measure thelearning effectiveness of online courses? Are some courses more amenable than others to e-learning? In particular, is itpossible to effectively teach pedagogically sound science courses online? There is little research on many of thesequestions. Of interest to legislators is another important question: Is online learning cost effective? There is a paucityof data here as well, although some argue that it is possible to have e-learning which is cost effective at the margin [1,38] provided that an instructional design model is used wherein there is no one ‘at the end of the phone’ – a modelvery different from that currently used in the online community. We have collected data from student use of a highlyinteractive, virtual physics laboratory that answers some of these questions. Data are from an introductory, algebrabasedintroductory physics course taken mostly by pre-professionals in health fields during the 2005-2006 academicyear. Pre- and post- FCI tests were administered in the fall semester when students studied mechanics. Results showthat a cadre of students taking ‘classwork’ in a virtual, highly interactive physics laboratory environment havenormalized <g> gains [4] on the FCI test [12] which is greater than that of a similar cadre of students in a (physical)modified Modeling Workshop [8] laboratory environment and considerably larger than those in a lecture environment[4].
Uitgever: Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Latin American Physics Education Network
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 9 van 19 gevonden artikelen
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