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  Development of Fertigation for Trickle Irrigated Vegetables Under Mediterranean Conditions
Titel: Development of Fertigation for Trickle Irrigated Vegetables Under Mediterranean Conditions
Auteur: de Kreij, C.
Kavvadias, V.
Assimakopoulou, A.
Paraskevopoulos, A.
Verschenen in: International journal of vegetable science
Paginering: Jaargang 13 (2007) nr. 2 pagina's 81-99
Jaar: 2007-12-03
Inhoud: Efficient fertilizer and water use is becoming increasingly important in greenhouse vegetable production in Greece. To improve greenhouse irrigation and fertilization practices, a fertilization management program developed in The Netherlands was tested in plasticulture under Mediterranean conditions in Greece. Soil was analyzed according to the 1:2 volume water extract method, and recommendations for preplant fertilization, and the amount and concentration of fertigation determined. Calcareous soils, high in clay content, absorbed potassium. Soils low in organic matter content were also low in water holding capacity. Due to these low water contents at field capacity, and the standard ratio of soil:water in the 1:2 volume water extractions, soil solution was diluted 6-13 times, which was higher than in soils with high water holding capacity at higher organic matter contents. It was concluded that the fertilizer recommendations developed under Dutch glasshouse conditions were useful under plasticulture conditions in Mediterranean Greece.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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