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Titel: Reviews
Auteur: Allen, Margaret
Bolton, Geoffrey
Crow, Rebekah
Farley, Rebecca
Goldie, Kathryn
Johnston, Anna
McGregor, Russell
Mitchell, Andrea
Nicholls, Christine
Ritter, Leonora
Salisbury, Marcus
Spark, Ceridwen
Ulm, Sean
Verschenen in: Journal of Australian studies
Paginering: Jaargang 24 (2000) nr. 64 pagina's 237-259
Jaar: 2000
Inhoud: Marilyn Lake, Getting Equal: The History of Australian Feminism, Allen and Unwin, 1999, pp 316, pb $24.95. Neville Green and Susan Moon, Far From Home: Aboriginal Prisoners on Rottnest Island, 1838-1931 (Dictionary of Western Australians, Volume X) Nedlands, University of Western Australia Press, pp viii+365, pb $45.00. Huggins, Jackie, Sister Girl, The Writings of Aboriginal Activist and Historian Jackie Huggins, St Lucia, UQP, 1998, pp 152, pb $18.95. Wark, MacKenzie, Celebrities, Culture and Cyberspace: The Light on the Hill in a Postmodern World, Annandale, Pluto, 1999, pp 372, pb $24.95. Lily Brett, Too Many Men, Sydney, Picador, 1999, pp 714, $29.95 pb; and Lily Brett, Collected Stories, St Lucia, UQP, 1999, pp 444, pb $19.95. Russell McGregor, Imagined Destinies: Aboriginal Australians and the Doomed Race Theory, 1880-1939, Carlton, Victoria, Melbourne University Press, 1997, pp 313, pb $29.95. Bain Attwood and Andrew Markus (eds), The Struggle for Aboriginal Rights: A Documentary History, Sydney, Allen and Unwin, 1999, pp 375 + xxii, pb $29.95; Max Charlesworth (ed.), Religious Business: Essays on Australian Aboriginal Spirituality, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1998, pp 206 + xxvi, pb $29.95. Magdalene Williams, Ngay Janijirr Ngank: This is My Word, Pat Torres (ed.), Broome, Magabala Books, 1999, pp 121, pb $16.95. Diane Bell, Ngarrindjeri Wurruwarrin: A World That Is, Was, and Will Be, Melbourne, Spinifex Press, 1998, pp 688, pb $29.95. DWA Baker, Preacher, Politician, Patriot, A Life of John Dunmore Lang, Melbourne University Press, 1998, pb $29.95; and D Headon and E Perkins (eds), Our First Republicans, Lang, Harpur, Deniehy, The Federation Press, 1998, pb $29.95. Cassandra Pybus, The Devil and James McAuley, St Lucia, UQP, August 1999, pp 323, hb $34.95. Peter Read, A Rape of the Soul so Profound, St Leonards, Allen and Unwin, 1999, pb $19.9S. John Mulvaney and Johan Kamminga Prehistory of Australia, St Leonards, Allen and Unwin, 1999, pp xii + 480, pb $39.95.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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