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  Information Security Techniques for Data Tracing
Titel: Information Security Techniques for Data Tracing
Auteur: Poore, Ralph Spencer
Verschenen in: Information security journal
Paginering: Jaargang 9 (2001) nr. 6 pagina's 1-6
Jaar: 2001-01-01
Inhoud: How do you prove that your information was copied when you find an instance of what appears to be your data? If a large enough sample exists identical to your original, you infer that the sample represents a copy. A strong statistical argument analogous to other forensic processes (e.g., points on a fingerprint, blood type and subtype, or even DNA) supports that conclusion. How do you determine the source of the release of this copy? Although knowing that someone has an unauthorized copy of your data is valuable, that knowledge is often insufficient for the information security practitioner to determine the source of the leak or the control that failed. The information security practitioner will want to know enough facts to be able to take appropriate corrective action. In this column, I describe scenarios in which data falls into unauthorized hands. I also describe three information security techniques that may help the information security practitioner track the source of the control failure.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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