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  Predictors of Adolescent Cigarette Smoking Behavior: A Sociological Case Study in Ankara, Turkey
Titel: Predictors of Adolescent Cigarette Smoking Behavior: A Sociological Case Study in Ankara, Turkey
Auteur: Kasapoglu, Aytul
Ozerkmen, Necmettin
Verschenen in: Journal of child & adolescent substance abuse
Paginering: Jaargang 17 (2008) nr. 4 pagina's 115-132
Jaar: 2008-08-20
Inhoud: This paper aims to discuss important predictors of adolescent cigarette smoking behavior, such as their sociodemographic characteristics (age, gender, socioeconomic status, mother's and father's educational level, and school type), health-promoting behavior (healthy nutrition, physical activities), risk behavior (cigarette smoking and alcohol use), school achievement, life satisfaction, future expectations, smoking patterns in the family, and school environment. This study is a part of a larger comparative youth research where 310 questionnaires were applied to students in grade 11 in Yenimahalle district in Ankara, Turkey, with characteristics of mean years of age = 16.99; st.d: 0.78; minimum 15 and maximum 20 years of age and 41.1% male and 51.9% female. Of the students in grade 11, 29.9% were smoking and it was reported that 14.0% had smoked often, 7.1% sometimes, 8.8% rarely, and 70.1% had never smoked. Age (19-20 older age group), gender (being male), and alcohol use were the most important predictors of adolescent smoking behavior. Prevention implications and recommendations are also discussed.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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