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  Diminished Illicit Drug Use as a Consequence of Long-Term Methadone Maintenance
Titel: Diminished Illicit Drug Use as a Consequence of Long-Term Methadone Maintenance
Auteur: Gottheil, Edward
Sterling, Robert C.
Weinstein, Stephen P.
Verschenen in: Journal of addictive diseases
Paginering: Jaargang 12 (1993) nr. 4 pagina's 45-57
Jaar: 1993-11-02
Inhoud: In the twenty-five years since its introduction as a treatment for opiate addication, methadone mainentance has generated considerable controversy regarding both its appropriateness as a treatment modality and its efficacy in diminishing opiate abuse. Given current concenrs regarding the spread of HIV amongst IV drug abusers, the role of methadone maintenance may be more important than ever. The present study was designed to examine continued illicit substance abuse by 229 patients enrolled in methadone treatment. Specifically, while 35% of the patients enrolled for less than 12 months were opiate free for the 3 month period, that value increased71% for patients enrolled for more than 4 years, and 85% for paients remaining in treatment for over 10 years. These results based on urinalysis support the conclusion of Ball and Ross (1991), based on ASI scores and criminally data, that methadone is an effective treatment modality for opiate addicted individuals.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 6 van 15 gevonden artikelen
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