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  Determining the age of the oldest rocks by the lead-isochrone and spectroscopic strontium-isotope methods
Titel: Determining the age of the oldest rocks by the lead-isochrone and spectroscopic strontium-isotope methods
Auteur: Sobotoyich, E. V.
Grashchenko, S. M.
Aleksondruk, V. M.
Shots, M. M.
Verschenen in: International geology review
Paginering: Jaargang 7 (1965) nr. 11 pagina's 1907-1916
Jaar: 1965-11
Inhoud: With increasing age the oldest Precambrian rocks homogenize and contain less material suitable for age determination by existing radioactive methods. The lead-isochrone method for determining the ages of the oldest rocks has the following advantages over conventional methods: 1) unlimited freedom of choice of rock material for age determination; 2) ability to date rocks with minor amounts of accessory radioactive minerals, i.e., various effusives, basic and ultrabasic rocks; 3) determination of the rock's own age; 4) migration and redistribution of lead isotopes between individual grains of rock-forming and accessory minerals has little effect on the isotopic ratio of lead in the rock as a Whole. — R. M. Hutchinson.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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