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  Construct Related Validity for the Baumgartner Modified Pull-Up Test
Titel: Construct Related Validity for the Baumgartner Modified Pull-Up Test
Auteur: Baumgartner, Ted A.
Gaunt, Sharon J.
Verschenen in: Measurement in physical education & exercise science
Paginering: Jaargang 9 (2005) nr. 1 pagina's 51-60
Jaar: 2005-03-01
Inhoud: Traditionally the pull-up was used as a measure of arm and shoulder girdle strength and endurance. This measure did not discriminate among ability levels because many zero scores occur. Baumgartner (1978) developed a modified pull-up test that was easier than the traditional pull-up test. The Baumgartner Modified Pull-Up (BMPU) has been used as an alternative to the pull-up because it has been successfully demonstrated that the BMPU is reliable, is capable of discriminating among ability levels, and can be used by males and females. Criterion validity evidence, however, has never been presented for the BMPU. The purpose of this study was to obtain criterion validity evidence for the BMPU. Scores for the BMPU were correlated with scores for the bench press and a modified lateral pull-down. Data were collected on 42 males and 40 female college students. The means for the BMPU, bench press, and modified lateral pull-down were 37.60, 14.03, and 20.22, respectively, for the males and 16.42, 20.43, and 29.46, respectively, for the females. Correlation coefficients for the BMPU with the bench press were .67 for the males and .61 for the females and, with the modified lateral pull-down, .85 for the males and .60 for the females. The correlation between the bench press scores and the modified lateral pull-down scores was .77 for males and .62 for females. Logical and construct validity evidence for the BMPU were cited from the literature. All the evidence supports that the BMPU yields scores from which valid interpretations of arm and shoulder girdle strength and endurance can be made.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 12 van 58 gevonden artikelen
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