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  Friends Talk to Friends About Drinking: Exploring the Role of Peer Communication in the Theory of Normative Social Behavior
Titel: Friends Talk to Friends About Drinking: Exploring the Role of Peer Communication in the Theory of Normative Social Behavior
Auteur: Real, Kevin
Rimal, Rajiv N.
Verschenen in: Health Communication
Paginering: Jaargang 22 (2007) nr. 2 pagina's 169-180
Jaar: 2007-08-08
Inhoud: Peer communication represents 1 mechanism through which norms are disseminated in social groups. The theory of normative social behavior (TNSB) posits that group identity, outcome expectations, and injunctive norms moderate the relation between descriptive norms and behaviors. This article extends the purview of the TNSB by conceptualizing peer communication as another moderator in the relationship between descriptive norms and behaviors. A survey was conducted among college students (N = 675) to measure their normative perceptions, peer communication, alcohol consumption, alcohol-related consequences, and intention to drink alcohol. As hypothesized, descriptive norms, peer communication, and the interaction between these two variables were significantly associated with consumption, even after controlling for known predictors of both consumption and various mechanisms of normative influences. Controlling for prior consumption, peer communication was also a significant predictor of intention to consume alcohol in the future. This model explained approximately 63% of the variance in intention. This study found a significant relationship between peer communication and alcohol drinking behaviors and intentions after controlling for perceived norms.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 6 van 10 gevonden artikelen
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