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  Program Strength and Fidelity in Evaluation
Titel: Program Strength and Fidelity in Evaluation
Auteur: Summerfelt, Wm. Thomas
Verschenen in: Applied developmental science
Paginering: Jaargang 7 (2003) nr. 2 pagina's 55-61
Jaar: 2003-04-01
Inhoud: The evaluation of programs or interventions relies on the use of reliable and valid measures, appropriate sampling and design strategies, and careful assessment of the strength and fidelity of the intervention. The first 2 components form the basis of most training in behavioral research and have been given much attention by the field. This last component of the evaluation process is not typically considered when assessing intervention impact. Treatment strength refers to the intensity of the intervention relative to the magnitude of the problem that it is intended to correct, whereas treatment fidelity refers to the level in which the treatment as implemented matches the treatment as intended. In applied research, an assessment of treatment strength must be made relative to the strength of the usual care circumstances or the "relative strength" of the program. This is an important distinction because research rarely, if ever, has control over all the services that might be available to those in treatment (experimental) or usual care (control-comparison) conditions. Program fidelity provides another level of detail about the program as implemented by examining the level to which interventions as implemented compare to intervention as theoretically planned. This is especially important in developmental science where theory typically forms the basis of intervention. Often, research uses a binary code for the level of treatment strength and program fidelity. By ignoring the variance that occurs along these dimensions of interventions, errors in detecting effectiveness of interventions are more likely due to the influence that these constructs have on statistical power.
Uitgever: Psychology Press
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 6 van 7 gevonden artikelen
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