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                                       Details for article 12 of 22 found articles
  Smart Textiles: A Platform for Sensing and Personalized Mobile Information-processing
Title: Smart Textiles: A Platform for Sensing and Personalized Mobile Information-processing
Author: Park, Sungmee
Jayaraman, Sundaresan
Appeared in: The journal of the Textile Institute
Paging: Volume 94 (2003) nr. 3-4 pages 87-98
Year: 2003
Contents: Textiles are pervasive and span the continuum of life from infants to senior citizens. The invention of the jacquard weaving machine led to the concept of a stored «program' and 'mechanized' binary information-processing. This development served as the inspiration for Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine - the precursor to the modern-day computer, which has since spawned the explosive growth of information-processing witnessed in recent years. In this paper, we explore the potential synergy between textiles and computing and identify the need to bring about a seamless integration between the two domains to facilitate sensing and personalized mobile information-processing. We discuss the design and development of the Wearable Motherboard or Smart Shirt and follow with an overview of the major applications of the Smart Shirt technology. Finally, we present the challenges and opportunities for research in this emerging field that have the potential to transform and revitalize the mature held of textiles significantly.
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 12 of 22 found articles
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