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  Geography and Mutual Understanding: “Harvest of Hope”
Title: Geography and Mutual Understanding: “Harvest of Hope”
Author: Kenney, Marianne
Appeared in: Journal of geography
Paging: Volume 91 (1992) nr. 4 pages 177-178
Year: 1992-07-01
Contents: The “Harvest of Hope” was an interdisciplinary science/geography project that provided students from two different schools and very diverse backgrounds the opportunity to work in a cooperative community service effort. With teacher coordination from both districts involved in the project, students from an inner-city school and a suburban school planted, tended, and harvested crops on unused school property and donated the food to organizations providing resources to the needy. “Harvest of Hope” was designed to aid the needy of Denver and teach high school students about real-world geography issues. Students also gained knowledge of issues inherent in world agriculture and the group problem-solving process. From a social perspective, inner-city students and suburban students had the opportunity to interact and gain an appreciation for cultural diversity. Most importantly, students learned through this project to think globally, but act on a local level.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 4 of 12 found articles
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