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                                       Details for article 191 of 246 found articles
  Support provided by corporate social responsibility programmes for the creation of universal access to ICT: a content analysis of corporate websites
Title: Support provided by corporate social responsibility programmes for the creation of universal access to ICT: a content analysis of corporate websites
Author: Xulu, Faith
Steyn, Benita
Appeared in: Communicatio
Paging: Volume 27 (2001) nr. 1 pages 58-74
Year: 2001
Contents: This study analyses messages within corporate web pages as physical indicators of the following: the extent to which sampled companies provide information communication technology (ICT) to the South African society in terms of geographical spread; the types of ICTs they provide; the nature of their support; and the members of society targeted. Through latent coding, it seeks to deduce whether the companies realise their role in social development by focusing their corporate social responsibility programmes on societal needs and to establish whether their support is broadly aligned with government priorities. Although the study is exploratory in nature, it reveals the following noteworthy issues: The geographical spread indicates that seven of the 11 companies analysed focus their support for ICT on the country as a whole; most companies tend to provide a whole range of technological equipment rather than one type; the provision of equipment is coupled with training; and the support for ICT is largely aimed at schools. It is inferred that the companies realise their societal obligations; support government priorities; and are committed to social development by creating appropriate mechanisms for access to ICT.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 191 of 246 found articles
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