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  Carbon-13 N.M.R. chemical shift and electronic structure of an infinite polymer chain as studied by tight-binding MO theory Polyethylene, and cis and trans polyacetylenes
Titel: Carbon-13 N.M.R. chemical shift and electronic structure of an infinite polymer chain as studied by tight-binding MO theory Polyethylene, and cis and trans polyacetylenes
Auteur: Yamanobe, Takeshi
Chujo, Riichiro
Ando, Isao
Verschenen in: Molecular physics
Paginering: Jaargang 50 (1983) nr. 6 pagina's 1231-1249
Jaar: 1983-12-20
Inhoud: A tight-binding MO theory has been used to derive a formalism for calculating the 13C N.M.R. chemical shift of an infinite polymer chain with the sum-over-state approximation. This formalism has been applied to the calculation of the 13C N.M.R. shielding tensor of polyethylene using the extended Huckel MO theory. In order to discuss the specification of the finite interaction length for the 13C N.M.R. chemical shift of any specified CH2 group of polyethylene chain, 13C N.M.R. chemical shifts of some n-paraffins with 1-16 carbon atoms are calculated in the sum-over-state approximation using the extended Huckel MO theory, and are compared with the experimental values. In addition the 13C N.M.R. chemical shifts of polyacetylenes with trans and cis forms are calculated using the above theory and the results are found to agree with the experimental data.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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