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  Port competitiveness in container traffic from an internal point of view: the experience of the Port of Algeciras Bay
Titel: Port competitiveness in container traffic from an internal point of view: the experience of the Port of Algeciras Bay
Auteur: Acosta, Manuel
Coronado, Daniel
Cerban, M. Mar
Verschenen in: Maritime policy & management
Paginering: Jaargang 34 (2007) nr. 5 pagina's 501-520
Jaar: 2007-10
Inhoud: The objective of this article is to analyse the factors that affect port competitiveness from the perspective of the agents and companies that operate in one of the Mediterranean ports most active in container traffic: the Port of Algeciras Bay (PAB). It is essential to understand the perspective of the suppliers of port services, in order to apply the necessary judgment when formulating policies to strengthen the competitive position of a port. The model selected to meet the objective outlined is based on the 'extended diamond' of Porter. The universe for the study comprises all the institutions and companies involved in the containerization process in the Port of Algeciras Bay. Within this methodology, two procedures are utilised. First, from the quantitative perspective, a survey has been conducted to obtain responses to two groups of questions, one dealing with situation and the other with perceptions. Second, and from a qualitative perspective, several open interviews have been conducted to corroborate the responses obtained to the questionnaire. From the data obtained in the survey, a model has been estimated that minimises the sum of the residuals in absolute value, utilizing the L1 regression; this model enables the competitive advantages and disadvantages of the PAB, from the point of view of the port operators, to be determined by an analysis of residuals. This analysis demonstrates that the variables representing greater competitive advantages are associated with trans-shipment, and with the maritime accessibility of the Port to vessels, whereas those generating greater disadvantages are associated with rail transport (which, according to those surveyed, has resulted in the diversion of significant volumes of traffic to other Spanish or European ports with better communications, particularly Valencia, Barcelona and Gioia-Tauro, and with the state of competition in container trans-shipment activities.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 6 van 6 gevonden artikelen
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