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                                       Details van artikel 44 van 116 gevonden artikelen
  Environmental Management Systems and Co-operation in Municipalities
Titel: Environmental Management Systems and Co-operation in Municipalities
Auteur: Burstrom, Fredrik
Verschenen in: Local environment
Paginering: Jaargang 5 (2000) nr. 3 pagina's 271-284
Jaar: 2000-08-01
Inhoud: Due to the complex character of environmental issues there has been a call for change towards integration and co-operation on the development and environmental management scene. This holds true at all levels of society, from the global to the local. Due to cultural differences between different professions in municipalities, it may be hard to reach co-operation between different actors in municipal environmental management (MEM). Based on the present situation in Sweden in general and the municipality of Vastera ˚s in particular, this paper discusses how co-operation in MEM may be promoted by the adoption of an environmental management system (EMS) in an entire municipality. Results from the study suggest that municipality-wide implementation of EMSs may help to bridge professional culture and language gaps. An EMS may provide the basis of a formal network that functions as a common platform and structure for environment-related discussion and work in different municipal authorities and companies, and thereby facilitate communication and co-operation among the actors in MEM.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 44 van 116 gevonden artikelen
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