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                                       Details for article 18 of 18 found articles
  X-ray study of the backbone conformation of a comb-shaped polyacrylate with nematic to smectic A phase transitions
Title: X-ray study of the backbone conformation of a comb-shaped polyacrylate with nematic to smectic A phase transitions
Author: Bouwman, Wim G.
De Jeu, Wim H.
Appeared in: Liquid crystals
Paging: Volume 16 (1994) nr. 5 pages 853-856
Year: 1994-05-01
Contents: The change in backbone conformation from prolate to oblate upon going from the re-entrant nematic to the smectic Ad phase is studied in a comb-shaped polyacrylate by measuring the mosaicity of the sample in the smectic phase with X-ray scattering. In combination with the possibility of aligning the director in both nematic phases, the results indicate that the conformational change takes place in the re-entrant nematic phase upon approaching the smectic Ad phase.
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 18 of 18 found articles
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