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                                       Details for article 17 of 27 found articles
  Phase Equilibria in Systems of Naphthenates, Phenols, Toluene, and Water
Title: Phase Equilibria in Systems of Naphthenates, Phenols, Toluene, and Water
Author: Hager, Maria
Sjoblom, Johan
Appeared in: Journal of dispersion science and technology
Paging: Volume 27 (2006) nr. 5 pages 643-650
Year: 2006-06-01
Contents: A partial phase diagram of the quaternary system based on 5-phenylvalerate, 4-pentylphenol, toluene, and water at 25°C has been performed, while keeping the ratio between 5-phenylvalerate and 4-pentylphenol constant. At a 1:1 weight ratio, a lamellar liquid crystalline phase exists close to the water-surfactant/cosurfactant axis in the phase diagram. At low concentrations of surfactant/cosurfactant the region of existence is narrow, while upon increased concentration it becomes more extended against the oil corner of the phase diagram. By decreasing the amount of cosurfactant, the normal micellar and hexagonal phases are formed. Increasing the cosurfactant amount gives the reverse structures. The effect of adding polar resins extracted at pH 14 into the oil phase of the system was also investigated. All six different polar resins could be incorporated in the lamellar phase when the weight ratio between the surfactant and cosurfactant was 1:1. Addition of polar resins extracted from Fal 9, Bressay, and Heidrun crude oils reduces the lamellar phase, while addition of BP resins give no significant difference in the region of existence. On the other hand, adding polar resins extracted from Frade and Dalia crude oils increase the region of existence.
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 17 of 27 found articles
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