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  Physicochemical Properties of Mono disperse Oil-in-Water Emulsions
Titel: Physicochemical Properties of Mono disperse Oil-in-Water Emulsions
Auteur: McClements, David Julian
Chanamai, Ratjika
Verschenen in: Journal of dispersion science and technology
Paginering: Jaargang 23 (2002) nr. 1-3 pagina's 125-134
Jaar: 2002
Inhoud: The bulk physiochemical properties of oil-in-water emulsions are strongly influenced by the size, concentration and interactions of the droplets that they contain. Emulsions of different appearance, rheology and stability can therefore be created by systematically manipulating droplet characteristics. In this manuscript we review recent studies of the influence of droplet concentration (0 to 67 vol%), droplet radius (0.1 to 1.0 μm) and droplet flocculation (depletion) on the rheology, creaming stability and optical properties of monodisperse oil-in-water emulsions. Mono-disperse emulsions were prepared by fractionating polydisperse emulsions using a depletion-flocculation technique. The major advantage of using monodisperse emulsions is that the interpretation of experimental data is facilitated. An improved understanding of the relationship between droplet characteristics and emulsion properties will facilitate the rational design of emulsion-based products with specific functional attributes.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 25 van 35 gevonden artikelen
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