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                                       Details van artikel 33 van 218 gevonden artikelen
  Atmospheric optical depth and water vapour effects on the angular characteristics of surface reflectance in NOAA AVHRR
Titel: Atmospheric optical depth and water vapour effects on the angular characteristics of surface reflectance in NOAA AVHRR
Auteur: Rahman, H.
Verschenen in: International journal of remote sensing
Paginering: Jaargang 17 (1996) nr. 15 pagina's 2981-2999
Jaar: 1996-10-01
Inhoud: The effects of atmospheric optical depth and water vapour content on the bidirectional surface reflectance in channel 1 (visible) and channel 2 (near-infrared) of NOAA AVHRR have been analysed using a coupled surface atmosphere reflectance model. Two different cases of surface: (i) bare soil, and (ii) vegetation cover have been considered. In the case of bare soil, both the amplitude and angular distribution of the bidirectional reflectance of the surface are modified at satellite altitude due to scattering caused by atmospheric molecules and aerosols in the two channels and thereby, the directional properties of the surface are smoothed. Whereas, in the case of lawn, in channel 1, the angular variation of surface reflectance is enlarged together with a large augmentation in reflectance amplitude, and in channel 2, a small reduction in amplitude as well as a variation in angular distribution of reflectances are caused due to scattering particularly over large viewing angles and thereby, the directional variations are smoothed. In channel 1, atmospheric scattering reduces the contrast between the soil and vegetation and is very much significant for medium to high aerosol loadings. Atmospheric water vapour reduces the amplitude of the surface bidirectional reflectance without introducing any significant changes in angular distribution of the surface reflectance for both bare soil and vegetation canopy in channel 2.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 33 van 218 gevonden artikelen
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