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                                       Details van artikel 97 van 194 gevonden artikelen
  Married women and career: career history accounts of primary headteachers
Titel: Married women and career: career history accounts of primary headteachers
Auteur: Evetts, Julia
Verschenen in: International journal of qualitative studies in education
Paginering: Jaargang 2 (1989) nr. 2 pagina's 89-105
Jaar: 1989-04
Inhoud: This paper considers how the detail of individual life history and career biography can contribute to sociological understanding about women and career. Using career history material from married women primary and infant headteachers, the paper considers what were, for the women themselves, the structural conditions and the characteristics of the teaching labour market. This is followed by an examination of the variations in the attitudes and experiences of individual women to their work and to promotion in their careers. The paper argues that the study of career biography enables us to make the theoretical link between the structural conditions in particular labour markets and the meanings of career to individual women.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 97 van 194 gevonden artikelen
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