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                                       Details van artikel 36 van 83 gevonden artikelen
  Florida's open meetings law and its effect on the policy making process in dade county: The administrative perspective
Titel: Florida's open meetings law and its effect on the policy making process in dade county: The administrative perspective
Auteur: Robert, Gray E.
Verschenen in: International journal of public administration
Paginering: Jaargang 20 (1997) nr. 7 pagina's 1367-1394
Jaar: 1997
Inhoud: Open meetings laws are designed to make the process of governmental decision making more accessible to the general public. The objective of this study is to explore the views of key governmental officials on the operation and effects of Florida's open meetings (sunshine) law. The interviews uncovered considerable dissatisfaction with many of its provisions. Florida's sunshine law is one of the most comprehensive in the country and can provide insight on the potential effects of other state or local sunshine laws. The analysis is based upon the administrative perspective of city managers, city clerks and city attorneys in Dade County, Florida. This convenience sample of Dade County administrators perceives that significant costs are imposed by the operation of the sunshine law. There is a clear consensus that the presence of the media alters the process of policy making, increases the amount and degree of political posturing, increases the time to reach consensus, and inhibits the candor and openness of the deliberations. The respondents report that the open meeting provisions are so burdensome that council and board members routinely violate its provisions in order to discuss sensitive issues in private.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 36 van 83 gevonden artikelen
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