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                                       Details van artikel 143 van 193 gevonden artikelen
  Self-other and third-person anchored modes of thinking in psychological expertise: Cognitive concomitants of behaviourist, client-centred, and psychoanalytic concepts
Titel: Self-other and third-person anchored modes of thinking in psychological expertise: Cognitive concomitants of behaviourist, client-centred, and psychoanalytic concepts
Auteur: Peeters, Guido
De Wit, Rein
Verschenen in: International journal of psychology
Paginering: Jaargang 30 (1995) nr. 3 pagina's 317-328
Jaar: 1995
Inhoud: Information about people (A and B) can be processed consistent with two alternative modes of thinking: (1) an SO-mode conceiving of A and B as “self” versus “other.” and (2) a 3P-mode conceiving of A and B as “he/she called A” versus “he/she called B.” Previous research showed strong SO-anchoring biases in laypersons' thinking, so the present study focused on psychological experts' thinking. SO- and 3P-modes were associated with the formation of personalized and depersonalized representations of A and B respectively, so it was hypothesized that thinking in psychoanalytic terms would involve both modes, whereas the use of client-centred and behaviourist terms would trigger the SO- and the 3P-mode respectively. Data obtained from experts in psychotherapy confirmed the hypotheses except that the SO-mode was not less but more dominant in thought shaped in the behaviourist way than in thought shaped in the client-centred way. The results shed light on the role of scientific language and discourse as a general instrument of professional thought and communication.
Uitgever: Psychology Press
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 143 van 193 gevonden artikelen
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