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                                       Details van artikel 29 van 62 gevonden artikelen
  Design of a system converting an output radiation of frequency tunable gyrotron into a gaussian beam
Titel: Design of a system converting an output radiation of frequency tunable gyrotron into a gaussian beam
Auteur: Ogawa, I.
Idehara, T.
Sabchevski, S.
Kasparek, W.
Verschenen in: International journal of electronics
Paginering: Jaargang 87 (2000) nr. 11 pagina's 1385-1400
Jaar: 2000-11-01
Inhoud: A novel design of a versatile quasi-optical system for conversion of gyrotron radiation into collimated gaussian beams is presented and discussed. The proposed system consists of a quasi-optical antenna, two ellipsoidal mirrors and a spatial filter which truncates the sidelobe radiation. The system is appropriate as a transmission line for frequency tunable gyrotrons operating at TE0n and TE1n modes. As an illustration of our approach, we present results which demonstrate the applicability of the developed system for conversion of the radiation generated by the Gyrotron FU IVA. The examples include conversion of four TE1n mode outputs (TE12, 170 GHz; TE13, 271 GHz; TE14, 372 GHz; TE15, 472 GHz) into gaussian-like beams and three TE0n modes (TE02, 223 GHz; TE03, 323GHz; TE04, 423 GHz) into bigaussian-like beams.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 29 van 62 gevonden artikelen
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 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland