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  Transposition based contextual insertion on linear DNA strands with deletion precedence
Titel: Transposition based contextual insertion on linear DNA strands with deletion precedence
Auteur: Murugan, A.
Easwarakumar, K. S.
Verschenen in: International journal of computer mathematics
Paginering: Jaargang 81 (2004) nr. 6 pagina's 647-660
Jaar: 2004-06
Inhoud: Insertion and deletion operations are two most important operations in molecular computation, and recently these two operations gained interest in the context of molecular computation. In the proposed system, single contextual insertion and usual (with two contexts) contextual deletions are used. In addition, it is assumed that the deletion operation has higher precedence than insertions, if both are possible at a moment. Given a word t, called a context, and the single contextual insertion is performed as follows. For each occurrence of the context t in the given string y, the word t is replaced as txt. In practice, this can be achieved by a replicative transposition process. Similarly, given a pair of words (u, v), called a context, the (u, v)-contextual deletion removes the word in between u and v. Finally, the power of this system and some closure properties are studied.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 67 van 67 gevonden artikelen
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