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  A state-based modelling approach to develop component-based control software for flexible manufacturing systems
Titel: A state-based modelling approach to develop component-based control software for flexible manufacturing systems
Auteur: Morton, Yu T.
Troy, Douglas A.
Pizza, George A.
Verschenen in: International journal of computer integrated manufacturing
Paginering: Jaargang 16 (2003) nr. 4-5 pagina's 292-306
Jaar: 2003-07-01
Inhoud: In recent years, component-based software engineering has emerged as an approach to create control software for flexible and adaptive manufacturing systems. This paper presents a state-based approach to model and design software components that can be used as building blocks for flexible manufacturing control software. Adiga and Cogez's (1993) framework for modelling object-oriented manufacturing software is extended to component-based modelling and work cell control programming. The benefits of using component-based software were fully demonstrated during configuration, integration and execution of Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) work cell operation in the Miami University Computer Integrated Manufacturing Laboratory (CIMS Lab) by using the control software described in this paper. The software was developed using the Java Programming language and the JavaBeans component model. We emphasized generic features, reusability, ease of use, and ease of maintenance in the design of these software components. We also created simulated software components that can interact with, or replace, real system components for planning, debugging and testing purposes. Once generic software components are developed and stored in a library, users with little or no programming background can rapidly integrate them into control software by using visual design tools.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 6 van 11 gevonden artikelen
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