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                                       Details van artikel 31 van 147 gevonden artikelen
  Distinction between mental pain and psychic suffering as separate entities in the patient's experience
Titel: Distinction between mental pain and psychic suffering as separate entities in the patient's experience
Auteur: Fleming, Manuela
Verschenen in: International forum of psychoanalysis
Paginering: Jaargang 15 (2006) nr. 4 pagina's 195-200
Jaar: 2006-12-01
Inhoud: Mental pain and psychic suffering are herein defined as two separate concepts in psychoanalysis. The concept of mental pain lies at the core of psychoanalysis; it was introduced by Freud and was further elaborated by a number of investigators, mostly by Bion. Mental pain refers to a pain that the patient reports as being impossible to describe in words, and lacking any associations, whereas psychic suffering can be both named and described by the patient. Mental pain is derived from non-tolerance on the part of the psychic apparatus when it is harmed by very painful emotions. In contrast to psychic suffering, mental pain resists elaboration and transformation by dream-work. How to address and transform the patient's mental pain is a major challenge facing the analyst in his clinical work because mental pain may halt or slow the progression of the analytical process. To overcome this hindrance, the work of the analyst is focused on helping patients to modify their mental pain into psychic suffering, that is, to reactivate in the patient the chain of transformations that generates thought. The analyst is also challanged with the mental pain of the patients because he has himself to tolerate the mental patient induced by counter transference. Suggestions for the analyst on how to deal with the mental pain of the patient during psychoanalytic therapy are proposed.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 31 van 147 gevonden artikelen
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