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                                       Details van artikel 159 van 159 gevonden artikelen
  Why Did Koreans Save So “Little” and Why Do They Now Save So “Much”?
Titel: Why Did Koreans Save So “Little” and Why Do They Now Save So “Much”?
Auteur: Kang, Kenneth H.
Verschenen in: International economic journal
Paginering: Jaargang 8 (1994) nr. 4 pagina's 99-111
Jaar: 1994
Inhoud: This paper uses a variable rate-of-growth model of life-cycle saving as developed by Fry and Mason (1982) to show that demographic factors were behind the rapid rise in saving in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. The steady decline in the population dependency ratio in an environment of rapid economic growth was the determining factor driving the trend rise in savings in these three countries. Furthermore, demographic trends can also explain the difference in saving ratios in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. When one compares these countries at the same stage in their development, Koreans did save "little" relative to Japan, but not relative to Taiwan, and this difference in saving can be explained by Korea's higher rate of dependency. [E21, N15]
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 159 van 159 gevonden artikelen
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