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  Ferroelectric and dielectric properties of sol-gel and excimer-laser-deposited lead zirconate titanate and barium titanate films
Titel: Ferroelectric and dielectric properties of sol-gel and excimer-laser-deposited lead zirconate titanate and barium titanate films
Auteur: Bennett, K. W.
Brody, P. S.
Rod, B. J.
Cook, L. P.
Schenck, P. K.
Verschenen in: Integrated ferroelectrics
Paginering: Jaargang 3 (1993) nr. 2 pagina's 191-205
Jaar: 1993-06-01
Inhoud: Switched remanent polarization was measured as a function of accumulated switching cycles for a variety of ferroelectric films using sinusoidally driven hysteresis loops. Switched remanent polarization and dielectric constant and loss were also obtained as a function of the cycling frequency. PZT films with niobium additives appeared to lose switched remanent polarization with accumulated cycles at a lesser rate than films without niobium. The switched remanent polarization was found to decrease with increasing frequency, which we attribute to the effect of grain size. Also, a decrease of dielectric constant with increasing frequency and an increase of dielectric constant with increased applied voltage are attributed to the effects of domain wall motion contributions to dielectric constant.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland