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                                       Details van artikel 134 van 222 gevonden artikelen
  Methyl Ethyl Ketone Safety Characterization for Infants and Children: Assessment in the USEPA Voluntary Children's Chemical Evaluation Program
Titel: Methyl Ethyl Ketone Safety Characterization for Infants and Children: Assessment in the USEPA Voluntary Children's Chemical Evaluation Program
Auteur: Zaleski, Rosemary T.
Pavkov, Kenneth L.
Keller, Laura H.
Verschenen in: Human and ecological risk assessment
Paginering: Jaargang 13 (2007) nr. 4 pagina's 747-772
Jaar: 2007-07
Inhoud: A safety characterization specific to children was performed for methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) according to the guidelines of the Voluntary Children's Chemical Evaluation Program (VCCEP). The characterization indicates that MEK exposures are not expected to pose an acute or chronic risk to children. Hazard information, summarized as per the VCCEP Tier structure, indicated no need for additional studies. All exposure pathways potentially relevant to children were considered, including child contact with environmental media, food, drinking water, parental transfer to child (human milk or dermal contact), direct consumer product use, and presence during product use. The assessment found that exposures from anthropogenic sources that children may encounter on a daily basis are very low, and in particular well below the chronic inhalation and oral health benchmarks (RfC and RfD) derived by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). Indoor uses of consumer products can result in higher acute exposures, but these are short-lived and also fall below chronic benchmarks adjusted to an acute timeframe. In addition, MEK is rapidly metabolized and excreted, thus acute exposures do not lead to an increase in body burden over time. The USEPA concluded the VCCEP submission sufficiently characterized potential risks to children, and that no additional toxicity tests were needed for MEK.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 134 van 222 gevonden artikelen
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