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  Host-specific acrothoracid barnacles on Middle Devonian platyceratid gastropods
Titel: Host-specific acrothoracid barnacles on Middle Devonian platyceratid gastropods
Auteur: Baird, Gordon C.
Brett, Carlton E.
Tomlinson, Jack T.
Verschenen in: Historical biology
Paginering: Jaargang 4 (1990) nr. 3-4 pagina's 221-244
Jaar: 1990
Inhoud: Borings, attributed to acrothoracic barnacles, occur on the platyceratid gastropod Naticonema lineatum (Conrad) from the Middle Devonian Hamilton Group of western New York and rarely in specimens as old as the Early Devonian. These latter are the oldest known acrothoracid borings are in the fossil record. The borings are consistently developed as laterally compressed, inequilateral pouches exclusively on these gastropods, commonly as dense infestations. Naticonema shells yielding borings typically occur associated with partially articulated qrinoid remains, and they are sometimes found attached to crinoids in a manner similar to coprophagous Platyceras. In addition to barnacle borings, Naticonema shells often bear thin encrustations of bryozoans which are usually perforated by these borings but sometimes also overgrow them. Barnacles bored live hosts; gastropods prevented shell penetration by producing cyst-like secondary secretions of calcite beneath acrothoracid boreholes. The relative antiquity of these borings and their association with coprophagous platyceratids makes their discovery particularly significant in revealing aspects of the early ecology of barnacles. Attachment to the host commensal gastropods was one of the first successful life modes of these crustaceans prior to their later diversification to other habitats. Mississippian and Pennsylvanian occurrences of similarly bored gastropods demonstrate continuity of the barnacle-gastropod-crinoid ecological association from the Middle to Late Paleozoic.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 7 van 17 gevonden artikelen
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