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  The terrible trio: Capitalism, the nation-state and militarism
Titel: The terrible trio: Capitalism, the nation-state and militarism
Auteur: Rix, Mark
Verschenen in: Global change peace and security
Paginering: Jaargang 4 (1992) nr. 1 pagina's 32-52
Jaar: 1992-05
Inhoud: The central contention of this paper is that militarism and war have to a considerable extent determined the convergence in the one social formation of the two structures, the nation-state and capitalism. The paper considers the contemporaneous emergence of capitalism and the nation-state out of the social formation formed by the feudal mode of production and the Absolutist State. It is demonstrated that the war and militarism which were endemic to the European states system in which both Feudalism and Absolutism arose provided much of the impetus for the reciprocal development of capitalism and the nation-state, and for their convergence in a new social formation. The final section of the paper argues that the historical tendency has been for the nation-state and capitalism to become more and more integrated to one another with the result that geopolitical competition predominates over the economic competition of the capitalist system.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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