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                                       Details for article 78 of 156 found articles
  How Tokyo's Security Policies Discount Japanese Public Opinion: Toward an Alternative Security Agenda
Title: How Tokyo's Security Policies Discount Japanese Public Opinion: Toward an Alternative Security Agenda
Author: Difilippo, Anthony
Appeared in: Global change peace and security
Paging: Volume 14 (2002) nr. 1 pages 23-48
Year: 2002-02-01
Contents: This paper examines many Japanese public opinion surveys conducted mainly during the 1990s that have generally dealt with security issues. While some evidence does indicate that the Japanese public has come to accept the US-Japan security treaty, there is also empirical data showing that there is substantial uncertainty about the bilateral alliance. Survey data also reveal a few other important findings, including a continuing affinity among the Japanese people to the renunciation of war and a strong commitment to the United Nations. Survey data show that the Japanese people believe that it is through the United Nations that their country can best contribute to international peace and security. This paper concludes by arguing that Japanese public opinion surveys suggest that there is an alternative to the bilateral security arrangement for Japan. By assuming a leading role in strengthening the United Nations, Japan can help to establish an effective international security system and, at the same time, move away from its dependence on the United States.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 78 of 156 found articles
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