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  Study of diffusion and adsorption processes during the maceration of apple tissue by polygalacturonases
Titel: Study of diffusion and adsorption processes during the maceration of apple tissue by polygalacturonases
Auteur: Missang, C. Ella
Denes, J. -M.
Baron, A.
Verschenen in: Food biotechnology
Paginering: Jaargang 13 (1996) nr. 1 pagina's 67-92
Jaar: 1996
Inhoud: Summary Enzyme diffusion and adsorption were investigated during the maceration of apple parenchyma tissue by polygalacturonases (PG). To study the diffusion process, enzyme was directly spread on the top surface of the tissue pieces. Results showed that apple tissue is porous enough to allow protein molecules to diffuse into it but the diffusion of PG was limited in the thin layer at the surface of the tissue. To study the adsorption process, tissue pieces were placed into 5 mM sodium disulfite. When enzyme was added in the reaction mixture, the bulk of PG was instantaneously adsorbed onto tissue. Once the degradation had taken place, PG initially adsorbed onto tissue was transferred to the maceration products (pulp and juice). The initial distribution of PG between tissue and juice fractions appeared to be independent of the surface area and the PG amount. Conversely, PG distribution is modified at high ionic strength.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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