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                                       Details van artikel 59 van 135 gevonden artikelen
  Innovation Networks in the Life Sciences Industry: A Discussion of the French Genopoles Policy
Titel: Innovation Networks in the Life Sciences Industry: A Discussion of the French Genopoles Policy
Auteur: Quere, Michel
Verschenen in: European planning studies
Paginering: Jaargang 16 (2008) nr. 3 pagina's 411-427
Jaar: 2008-04
Inhoud: The life sciences industry is often considered an emblematic science-based sector that should have a central role in ensuring the economic competitiveness of nations. It is thus the focus of specific and original policy efforts. In this paper, critical characteristics of that industry are depicted over time, with a particular emphasis on the transformation of its organization based on a rapid incorporation of scientific advances into business opportunities. Innovation networks are presented as a dominant organizational form suited to such a purpose because of their ability to facilitate knowledge exploration. The central aim of this contribution is then to discuss the capacity of the French genopoles policy to support effectively that transformation of the life sciences industry. We conclude that this policy effort has essentially favoured the coordination of knowledge exploration within public scientists over the generation of economic opportunities.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 59 van 135 gevonden artikelen
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