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                                       Details van artikel 26 van 135 gevonden artikelen
  Competition and cooperation among jurisdictions: The case of regional cooperation in science and technology in Europe
Titel: Competition and cooperation among jurisdictions: The case of regional cooperation in science and technology in Europe
Auteur: Bacaria, Jordi
Verschenen in: European planning studies
Paginering: Jaargang 2 (1994) nr. 3 pagina's 287-302
Jaar: 1994
Inhoud: This article analyzes the possible conflict between regional cooperation and jurisdiction and the cases in which cooperation is compatible with competition. This analysis is carried out beginning with the concrete case of regional cooperation that has been called the 'Four Motors for Europe' established in the field of cooperation in science and technology. The basis for the analysis of cooperation between jurisdictions in science and technology is the same as that for cooperation in the same field between companies. It allows the establishment of when this cooperation can degenerate into collusion or else when the result is a socially efficient organization. The risk of regional cooperation in science and technology is that it degenerates into collusion between the regions that occupy a more favourable technological position at the cost of those that are in a worse situation. The solution in order to avoid this risk would be to guarantee political competition in the same way that through regulations competition in the market is guaranteed.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 26 van 135 gevonden artikelen
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