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  Factors influencing speed and precision of cursor positioning using a mouse
Titel: Factors influencing speed and precision of cursor positioning using a mouse
Auteur: Trankle, Ulrich
Deutschmann, Detlef
Verschenen in: Ergonomics
Paginering: Jaargang 34 (1991) nr. 2 pagina's 161-174
Jaar: 1991-02-01
Inhoud: Influencing factors on speed and accuracy of cursor positioning using a mouse and the learning progress of subjects were analysed in experimental studies. 64 subjects (44 of whom were female) with an average age of about 24 years had to conduct 1200 cursor positioning trials over a period of two days. The results show that the c:d-ratio, that is, the mouse movement distance necessary per distance unit of the cursor movement, did not influence the positioning time. Rather, the target size (the necessary accuracy), the mouse movement distance, and (to a lesser extent) the display size are the decisive factors. In order to shorten the mouse movement distance for longer target distances, a speed-dependent variable gearing ratio is often implemented. This increases the distance the cursor is moved for the faster mouse movements, but it also violates the proportionality of mouse and cursor movement distances in the interest of a shorter mouse movement distance. For the target sizes used in this study, the speed-dependent variable c:d-ratio did not prove advantageous for any of the experimental conditions; on average it resulted in significantly lower positioning performances. The effects of the violation of compatibility principles by this design variant seem to be more pronounced than the shortened mouse movement distances.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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