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  Wind Power Development in Nepal: Financing Options
Titel: Wind Power Development in Nepal: Financing Options
Auteur: Chhetri, A. B.
Adhikari, B. H.
Islam, M. R.
Verschenen in: Energy sources. Part B, Economics planning and policy
Paginering: Jaargang 3 (2008) nr. 3 pagina's 233-242
Jaar: 2008-07
Inhoud: More than 85% of Nepalese people live in remote rural areas with limited access to energy except traditional biomass for their energy sources. Despite the availability of extensive hydropower and other potential energy sources, financing for their development remains a significant challenge. The development of small-scale wind power for rural communities is a viable and sustainable option in the Nepalese context. A detailed analysis on the possible use of direct mechanical wind power coupled with electricity generation has been carried out in this study. This article investigates the possible role of communities, governments, and nongovernmental and international organizations for the financing of wind energy development in Nepal. The model developed in this article can be extended to other geographical locations such as the Canadian Atlantic regions, where wind power is significant.
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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