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  Managed moves: schools collaborating for collective gain
Titel: Managed moves: schools collaborating for collective gain
Auteur: Vincent, Kerry
Harris, Belinda
Thomson, Pat
Toalster, Richard
Verschenen in: Emotional and behavioural difficulties
Paginering: Jaargang 12 (2007) nr. 4 pagina's 283-298
Jaar: 2007-12
Inhoud: Government guidance in the United Kingdom encourages groups of schools to take collective responsibility for supporting and making provision for excluded pupils and those at risk of exclusion. Managed moves are one way that some schools and authorities are enacting such guidance. This article presents the results of an evaluation of one such scheme. The scheme, involving seven neighbouring secondary schools, was nearing its first year of completion. The article draws primarily on interview data with pupils, parents and school staff to describe a number of positive outcomes associated with the scheme and to explore how these were achieved. We found that while some of these could be attributed directly to the managed move, others arose from the more inclusive ethos and practices of particular schools. The concepts of tailored support, care and commitment emerged as strong themes that underpinned the various practical ways in which some schools in the cluster were able to re-engage 'at-risk' pupils. As managed moves become more widely practised it will be important to remember that it is how the move proceeds and develops rather than the move itself that will ultimately make the difference for troubled and troublesome pupils.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 44 van 65 gevonden artikelen
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