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  Managing the induction of newly appointed governors
Titel: Managing the induction of newly appointed governors
Auteur: Jones, Jeffrey L.
Verschenen in: Educational research
Paginering: Jaargang 40 (1998) nr. 3 pagina's 329-351
Jaar: 1998
Inhoud: Government legislation over two decades has brought about major changes in the management and governance of schools. School governing bodies have been awarded far more power and influence than ever before and are now required to make important decisions affecting the quality of education provision for the nation's children. With an estimated 60,000 governors assuming their responsibilities for the very first time, questions about their preparedness for such a substantial task are bound to be asked. The significance of training for governors has increased as the extent of governing body responsibilities has expanded. Whereas the importance of training was recognized by the 1986 Education Act which gave the local education authority a statutory duty to provide the training it thinks necessary for governors to carry out their duties effectively, it remains optional. This small-scale research project set out to investigate the induction needs of governors newly appointed to a local authority's schools. The project, undertaken in the autumn term 1996 and spring term 1997, made use of two different but complementary research tools. The first was a questionnaire survey of 314 new governors which attracted a response rate of just over 65 per cent. In addition, follow-up telephone interviews were conducted with a small sample in order to gather extended responses to those given in the questionnaires. The research concluded that the new governors surveyed: had received little or no formal training for their role as school governors identified as their future training needs the following topics: roles and responsibilities of governors; local management of schools (LMS); and recruitment and selection procedures identified the need for a comprehensive programme of induction made up of a combination of centrally run and school-based courses, briefings, information and guidance materials, videos, helplines and updates.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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