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  A Complete Dynamic Input-Output Model Including the Production of Human Capital and Labour
Titel: A Complete Dynamic Input-Output Model Including the Production of Human Capital and Labour
Auteur: Aulin-Ahmavaara, Pirkko
Verschenen in: Economic systems research
Paginering: Jaargang 1 (1989) nr. 1 pagina's 121-130
Jaar: 1989
Inhoud: A complete dynamic input-output model, which along with the production of goods and services includes the production of human capital and of different kinds of labour, is introduced. The problem of long gestation periods of capital goods is solved by treating different phases of gestation as different sectors and thus preserving the original form of the basic equations. The fact that in the state of balanced growth the rate of scrappage depends on the rate of growth is taken into account in the flow coefficients from the sectors producing capital goods. The consumption of pensioners as well as the stocks needed by them are taken into account in the coefficients for the production of labour. Thus the model involves two sets of flow coefficients and one set of stock coefficients depending on the rate of growth, which makes the system itself capable of changing its parameters, thus 'self-organizing'. Technical change can be estimated quantitatively as an increase or decrease in the growth potential, which is represented by the balanced rate of growth, associated with the production technique applied in the economy. The iterative procedure to solve the model also makes it possible to separate 'the growth generated by growth' fiom the total growth.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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