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  The case of expectant fathers: negotiating the changing role of males in a 'female' world
Titel: The case of expectant fathers: negotiating the changing role of males in a 'female' world
Auteur: Hinckley, C.
Ferreira, R.
Maree, J. G.
Verschenen in: Early child development and care
Paginering: Jaargang 177 (2007) nr. 5 pagina's 461-478
Jaar: 2007-07
Inhoud: Research was carried out to investigate the needs of expectant fathers and to determine whether television can be implemented to provide parent guidance to South African expectant fathers during the transition into fatherhood. Focus was on understanding the specific type of information required by expectant fathers, in conjunction with their perceptions of the most suitable form of media to provide such guidance. Sixty-five fathers were involved in a telephone survey, after which in-depth interviews were conducted with four fathers to establish their perceptions regarding the possible use of television to provide guidance to expectant fathers. It seems that expectant fathers experience a need for information to help prepare them for their role as a father, require more knowledge regarding the topic of fatherhood and pregnancy, wish to receive guidance to develop certain basic childcare skills, and perceive television to be the most suitable medium for providing them with such guidance.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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