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                                       Details van artikel 67 van 93 gevonden artikelen
  Rethinking poverty alleviation: a 'poverties' approach
Titel: Rethinking poverty alleviation: a 'poverties' approach
Auteur: Carr, Edward R.
Verschenen in: Development in practice
Paginering: Jaargang 18 (2008) nr. 6 pagina's 726-734
Jaar: 2008
Inhoud: This article argues that the practice of poverty alleviation is greatly limited by a vision of poverty that fails to capture the locally specific causes of and solutions to the challenges that threaten human well-being. This problematic vision of poverty takes real-world form in such initiatives as Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers. It is a key reason why this and other contemporary poverty-alleviation efforts do not show greatly improved results compared with previous efforts. By reframing our understanding of the challenges to human well-being from poverty to 'poverties', however, we might envisage a new approach to policy development in relation to poverty that moves us towards a truly sustainable development.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 67 van 93 gevonden artikelen
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