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                                       Details van artikel 60 van 93 gevonden artikelen
  Promoting gender equality? Some development-related uses of ICTs by women
Titel: Promoting gender equality? Some development-related uses of ICTs by women
Auteur: Gurumurthy, Anita
Verschenen in: Development in practice
Paginering: Jaargang 16 (2006) nr. 6 pagina's 611-616
Jaar: 2006-11-01
Inhoud: Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have created new economic and social opportunities all over the world. Their use, however, continues to be governed by existing power relations whereby women frequently experience relative disadvantage. Amid this inequality are individuals and organisations that are working to use ICTs to further gender equality. These are the issues addressed by the BRIDGE Cutting Edge Pack on Gender and ICTs. The first section of this article consists of extracts from the Overview Report in the Pack. It describes ways in which women have been able to use ICTs to support new forms of information exchange, organisation, and empowerment. The second section, taken from the textbox 'Telecentres: Some Myths', describes three assertions which frequently lead to problems in all forms of investment in development-related information exchanges with poor or less powerful groups, not only those relating to telecentres and women.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 60 van 93 gevonden artikelen
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