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                                       Details van artikel 98 van 144 gevonden artikelen
  Party research: Western European bias and the 'African labyrinth'
Titel: Party research: Western European bias and the 'African labyrinth'
Auteur: Erdmann, Gero
Verschenen in: Democratization
Paginering: Jaargang 11 (2004) nr. 3 pagina's 63-87
Jaar: 2004-06
Inhoud: For a long time Africa's political parties have been neglected in political science research, although they have mushroomed during the last decade and are being seen as crucial for the democratic development of the continent. Part of the neglect was due to the very specific western European bias of political science party research, while Africanists claimed the uniqueness of the subject. Despite this bias, the article argues that the framework of established party research can be applied to African parties as well - provided that some modifications are considered. These necessary modifications are explained for four 'fields', namely the functionalist approach, the cleavage model, the inclusion of informal politics, and finally whether a distinctively 'African' or a universal party typology approach should be applied.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 98 van 144 gevonden artikelen
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