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  A 'sampled' account of organisation: being a de-authored, reflexive parody of organisation writing
Titel: A 'sampled' account of organisation: being a de-authored, reflexive parody of organisation writing
Auteur: Westwood, Robert
Verschenen in: Culture & organization
Paginering: Jaargang 5 (1999) nr. 1 pagina's 195-233
Jaar: 1999-03
Inhoud: To abstract is to remove, take away ... to steal... Something taken out, summary, epitome ... essence2 Thus: This supplementarity to the text below 'steals' from it; it pretends to 'abstract' the 'essence' of it and re-present it here. The text also 'steals' extensively from other texts - an inevitability parodied by the device of 'sampling' - which is explicit theft. This supplement as complement gives a flavour of the essence of the text and reflexively models its form: This is an open text. It is writerly. This text plays [with] the academic game [just gaming]. It is a parody. the structure 'preface-text' becomes open at both ends. The text has no stable identity, stable origin… each act of reading 'the text' is a preface to the next. The reading of a self-professed preface is no exception to this rule1 This text is fragmentary. Is a heterogloss that struggles against its own monologic linearity. This text is an inscription on the degree zero. This text appropriates the undecidable. This text organises. This text is Organisation.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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