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  Blood and bones yet dressed in poetry: The drama of Sam Shepard
Titel: Blood and bones yet dressed in poetry: The drama of Sam Shepard
Auteur: Bigsby, C. W. E.
Verschenen in: Contemporary theatre review
Paginering: Jaargang 8 (1998) nr. 3 pagina's 19-30
Jaar: 1998-08
Inhoud: Welding subject and form, the opening essay recapitulates with great lyricism Shepard's life and work in an attempt to map the excessive emotional terrain of the playwright's characters: fragmented, traumatized transients ruthlessly given over to incomprehensible, elementally violent passions that relentlessly attract and repel, consuming past and future. Composed with the traces of a reclusive, sensitive yet impetuous father who taught his son a love of poetry and music, and a sixties performance aesthetic, setting great store by immediacy and physical expression but gradually deepened with myth, archetype and costly candour, the emerging portrait is a highly paradoxical one: romantic, contemporaneous and timeless, vibrantly personal and American, showing affinity with the poetic, passion-infused drama of Tennessee Williams and Federico Garcia Lorca.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 25 van 139 gevonden artikelen
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