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                                       Details van artikel 138 van 139 gevonden artikelen
  Women, theatre, and territory: The Omaha magic theatre and the boundaries of theatrical performance
Titel: Women, theatre, and territory: The Omaha magic theatre and the boundaries of theatrical performance
Auteur: Carlson, Susan Lynn
Verschenen in: Contemporary theatre review
Paginering: Jaargang 2 (1995) nr. 3 pagina's 63-76
Jaar: 1995-03
Inhoud: The three women who oversee the Omaha Magic Theatre - Megan Terry, Jo Ann Schmidman, and Sora Kimberlain - stake out claims for the territory of women's theatre in four domains: 1) they claim their artistic territory through collaboration, basing their work on a belief in knowledge as conversation and selves as socially constructed; 2) they claim the territory of performance by creating shows in which they integrate text, movement, music, sound, light, and visuals; 3) they negotiate their needs for capital through creative approaches to funding; and 4) they claim a theatre of the American Midwest which celebrates freedom and extremes.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 138 van 139 gevonden artikelen
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