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                                       Details for article 23 of 65 found articles
  Engaging disengagement: The political reintegration of Sierra Leone's Revolutionary United Front
Title: Engaging disengagement: The political reintegration of Sierra Leone's Revolutionary United Front
Author: Mitton, Kieran
Appeared in: Conflict security and development
Paging: Volume 8 (2008) nr. 2 pages 193-222
Year: 2008-06
Contents: The conflict between the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) and the Sierra Leonean government represents a highly instructive study for reintegration projects. Far from being a conventional political insurgency readily lending itself to peaceful political transformation, the RUF possessed within the ranks of its young and brutalised recruits a fundamental rejection of Sierra Leone's political structures. As such, Sierra Leone presented a unique challenge for reintegration efforts, requiring not only the immediate reconciliation of ex-combatants with victims and civil society, but also the long-term political incorporation of a group of youths defined by their very disengagement from and distrust of the political system. This article argues that the Sierra Leone experience demonstrates that successful political reintegration does not simply amount to political participation per se, but rather requires specific forms of political participation, which reinforce the primacy of peaceful political interaction over and above other means for affecting change. In this regard, this article concludes that despite progress in many key areas, former fighters of the RUF have yet to be fully politically reintegrated.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 23 of 65 found articles
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