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  Missing data in linear models with correlated errors
Titel: Missing data in linear models with correlated errors
Auteur: Feingold, Marcia
Verschenen in: Communications in statistics
Paginering: Jaargang 11 (1982) nr. 24 pagina's 2831-2843
Jaar: 1982
Inhoud: One common method for analyzing data in experimental designs when observations are missing was devised by Yates (1933), who developed his procedure based upon a suggestion by R. A. Fisher. Considering a linear model with independent, equi-variate errors, Yates substituted algebraic values for the missing data and then minimized the error sum of squares with respect to both the unknown parameters and the algebraic values. Yates showed that this procedure yielded the correct error sum of squares and a positively biased hypothesis sum of squares. Others have elaborated on this technique. Chakrabarti (1962) gave a formal proof of Fisher's rule that produced a way to simplify the calculations of the auxiliary values to be used in place of the missing observations. Kshirsagar (1971) proved that the hypothesis sum of squares based on these values was biased, and developed an easy way to compute that bias. Sclove
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 20 van 37 gevonden artikelen
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